"Bukankan hati kita berkobar-kobar, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?" (Lukas 24:32)

22 Mar 2012

Song for The Season of Lent

(by Charles "Rusty" Goodman)

When I think of how He came so far from Glory,
Came and dwelt among the lowly such as I;
To suffer shame and such disgrace,
On Mount Calvary take my place;
Then I ask myself the question, "Who am I?"

Who am I that a King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray: "Not my will, thine for?"
The answer I may never know,
Why He ever loved me so;
That to an old rugged cross He would go,
For who am I?

Then I'm reminded of the words,
"I'll leave thee never,
Just be true, I'll give to you a life forever."
Then I wonder what I could have done,
To deserve God's only Son;
To fight my battles till they're won,
O, Who am I?

Who am I that a King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray: "Not my will, thine for?"
The answer I may never know,
Why He ever loved me so;
That to an old rugged cross He would go,
For who am I?
That to an old rugged cross He would go,
For who am I?

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