"Bukankan hati kita berkobar-kobar, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?" (Lukas 24:32)

30 Dec 2011

I am a treasure...

The Find
by Anthony de Mello

Jesus says,”Here is a picture of the Kingdom:
It is like a treasure buried in a field.
The man who found it went and,
through sheer joy, sold everything he had
- and bought that field (Matthew 13:44)

I have a treasure: the thing I value most in life.
I relive the events that led me to discover it…

I think of the history of my life
from the time I found this treasure.
What it has done for me…
and meant to me…

I stand before this treasure
(God or Jesus or a conviction, value, ideal,
or a person, task or mission)
and I say, “Of all the things I have,
you are the dearest.”
And I see what happens to me
when I pronounce that sentence…

I think how much I would gladly do…
or give… (even life itself, maybe)
in order to preserve this treasure.
If it is not that important,
I acknowledge this with sadness
-and I hope for a day
when I shall find a treasure
for which through sheer joy
I shall be ready to give up everything…

I am a treasure.
Someday, somewhere, someone discovered me.
I should have no awareness of my worth,
if someone had not find it.
I recall and relive the details of the finding…

I am a multifaceted treasure.
There are many things concealed in me
that different people drew out
and revealed to me.
I joyfully review each one of these…
and gratefully remember the persons who uncovered them…

Finally I stand before the Lord
and find, to my surprise,
that He considers me a treasure…
I see reflected in His eyes, the many lovely facets
that only He could have observed in me…
and I rest in the love He gives me…

taken from "Wellsprings"

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