"Bukankan hati kita berkobar-kobar, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?" (Lukas 24:32)

30 Dec 2011

I am a treasure...

The Find
by Anthony de Mello

Jesus says,”Here is a picture of the Kingdom:
It is like a treasure buried in a field.
The man who found it went and,
through sheer joy, sold everything he had
- and bought that field (Matthew 13:44)

I have a treasure: the thing I value most in life.
I relive the events that led me to discover it…

I think of the history of my life
from the time I found this treasure.
What it has done for me…
and meant to me…

I stand before this treasure
(God or Jesus or a conviction, value, ideal,
or a person, task or mission)
and I say, “Of all the things I have,
you are the dearest.”
And I see what happens to me
when I pronounce that sentence…

I think how much I would gladly do…
or give… (even life itself, maybe)
in order to preserve this treasure.
If it is not that important,
I acknowledge this with sadness
-and I hope for a day
when I shall find a treasure
for which through sheer joy
I shall be ready to give up everything…

I am a treasure.
Someday, somewhere, someone discovered me.
I should have no awareness of my worth,
if someone had not find it.
I recall and relive the details of the finding…

I am a multifaceted treasure.
There are many things concealed in me
that different people drew out
and revealed to me.
I joyfully review each one of these…
and gratefully remember the persons who uncovered them…

Finally I stand before the Lord
and find, to my surprise,
that He considers me a treasure…
I see reflected in His eyes, the many lovely facets
that only He could have observed in me…
and I rest in the love He gives me…

taken from "Wellsprings"

23 Dec 2011

Christmas 2011

In this Christmas
Let His peace fill our hearts
Let us shout in joy “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased.”
For a Prince of Peace was born
it was God in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world
so that all mankind will rest in His everlasting peace and love

Have a blessed Christmas filled with joy, peace and love

15 Dec 2011

Circle of Faith and Support

Minggu lalu saat aku sedang malas membuat jurnal, seorang teman mengingatkan dan mendesakku untuk membuat jurnal… Akhirnya setelah membolak-balik Kitab Suci, aku menemukan ayat yang mengena untuk dibuat jurnalnya, yaitu dari Yoh 6:21 "Mereka mau menaikkan Dia ke dalam perahu, dan seketika juga perahu itu sampai ke pantai yang mereka tujui."

Menurutku ayat ini juga cocok untuk temanku yang tadi mengingatkan untuk membuat jurnal, karena saat ini dia sedang mengalami masalah dalam usahanya. Jadi aku memintanya untuk membuka Kitab Suci dan membaca ayat ini juga. "Ya, ntar… Baru nyampe rumah ni…" Besoknya, "Dah baca blom?"
"Ya… mo mandi dulu…"
Besoknya lagi, "Yoh 6:21?"
"Ya, baru pulang dari Rosario ni…" ………… "Maksudnya apa sih?"
"Ya, yang pernah kusms tho, take HIM on your new boat… bawa Kristus dalam usahamu yang baru, dan seketika juga usahamu itu sampai ke pantai yang engkau tujui… Terhindar dari badai yang menderu… Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertaimu, jangan takut… Yoh6:16-21"
"Oh yah Bener....Amin....Thanks berat...."
"You are welcome… Lain kali kunyah-kunyah sendiri ya sabda-sabdaNya…"
"Iya iya iya...kadang kan bebal juga yah namanya manusia...kalau nggak minta advise dari temen, dari mana lagi dong... itu lah fungsinya sahabat seperti 2 mata yang satu kiri dan yang satu kanan.melihat pada satu tujuan..walaupun berada pada tempat yg berbeda yaitu kiri dan kanan...."

Besoknya, "BTW, Yoh6:16-21 itu aku bikin jurnalnya waktu kamu nguberin aku loh… Ternyata perikop ini berguna juga untukmu. Tuhan memang luar biasa ya… Bisa dibilang kamu nolongin diri kamu sendiri tu… Kalo aku ga buat jurnal itu sesuai saranmu, ga ketemu bacaan buat bantu kamu toh…?"
"Waktu itu aku yang nguber-nguber ya…?"
"Iyalah… That's what friends are for… saling menyemangati dan mendukung."

Tuhan bekerja melalui berbagai cara. Pengalaman dengan temanku di atas menunjukkan pentingnya saling mendukung dalam kasih persaudaraan…

“Karena itu nasihatilah seorang akan yang lain dan saling membangunlah kamu seperti yang memang kamu lakukan.” (1Tes 5:11)

BSD, Mei 2011

12 Dec 2011

A beautiful song about God's love...

You Are Mine by David Haas

I will come to you in the silence
I will lift you from all your fear
You will hear My voice
I claim you as My choice
Be still, and know I am near

I am hope for all who are hopeless
I am eyes for all who long to see
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light
Come and rest in Me

Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine

I am strength for all the despairing
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
All the blind will see, the lame will all run free
And all will know My name

Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine

I am the Word that leads all to freedom
I am the peace the world cannot give
I will call your name, embracing all your pain
Stand up, now, walk, and live

Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine

6 Dec 2011

Holy Season

In this holy season
let there be peace on earth
for there are reasons
to present our love on His birth

In this holy season
let there be peace in our hearts
'coz the Lord had chosen
to stay in our hearts

In this holy season
let there be joy all around
for the love we have given
will last all years round