"Bukankan hati kita berkobar-kobar, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?" (Lukas 24:32)

5 Dec 2012

The best is yet to come...

Recently I join a team to hold a training course for about four months. There are some old friends and new ones in the team. During the preparation, in the discussions, we have some differences... it’s a common thing, right? What I learned from the process is that although my opinion may not be accepted at first, but in the end the team went on with my suggestions... Happy, off course, because I think they are good suggestions-though I was disappointed at first. But somehow, other friends agree with me and hence there goes my suggestions being applied in our team. So, I get what I want in the end, although it have to come in circles before it is done.

Reflecting it into my prayers, I have some “haven’t been answered prayers”... May be through these incidents in the team, God wants me to know that He already knew what I want. But the fulfillment is still on the way, circling somewhere before it comes my way... I just have to never stop hoping, rejoice and believe that everything will be good in His will.

Thank you God for all the things You have granted to me... Help me to keep my faith to believe that everything will be good for me in Your time, in Your will, in Your way to deliver it to me. Amen.

BSD, 4 December 2012

20 Nov 2012

Setia dalam Perkara Kecil

Barangsiapa setia dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia setia juga dalam perkara-perkara besar. Dan barangsiapa tidak benar dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia tidak benar juga dalam perkara-perkara besar. Jadi, jikalau kamu tidak setia dalam hal Mamon yang tidak jujur, siapakah yang akan mempercayakan kepadamu harta yang sesungguhnya? Dan jikalau kamu tidak setia dalam harta orang lain, siapakah yang akan menyerahkan hartamu sendiri kepadamu? (Lukas 16:10-12)
Ayat di atas mengingatkan aku untuk setia dalam perkara-perkara kecil yang telah dipercayakan Tuhan kepadaku dan melakukannya dengan tekun dan tulus. Namun kadang timbul godaan untuk mengambil jalan pintas, khususnya dalam hal-hal yang terkait dengan pekerjaanku di bisnis properti. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum kalau kadang terjadi sikut menyikut antar agen properti, baik antar kantor maupun dalam satu kantor. 

Ayat di atas juga mengingatkan aku seandainya aku mengambil jalan pintas itu, mungkin Tuhan tidak akan mempercayakan perkara-perkara besar kepadaku. Akibatnya bisa jadi aku akan kehilangan bagian hartaku di kehidupan kekal nantinya. Betapa menyedihkannya kalau hal itu terjadi!

Bapa, terima kasih Engkau telah mengingatkan aku untuk setia pada perkara-perkara kecil yang telah Kau percayakan kepadaku. Bimbing aku untuk selalu setia dan tekun dalam pelayananku, agar aku boleh Kau percayai juga dengan perkara-perkara besar nantinya. Biarlah hanya di dalam Engkau, aku dimampukan untuk tetap setia sehingga pada akhirnya aku dapat bersuka cita karena harta yang telah disediakan bagiku di Surga. Amin

BSD, 10 November 2012    

19 Nov 2012

Betapa Indahnya

A. Susilo Wijoyo, Pr

Saat jiwa dahaga dan lapar,
Engkau puaskan kami.
Dengan santapan rohani
Tubuh dan Darah nan suci.

Saat jiwa mengering dan hampa,
Engkau segarkan kami.
Dengan santapan surgawi
Tubuh dan Darah nan suci.

Reff:  Betapa indahnya Perjamuan Kudus,
          betapa indahnya saat kami menyambutMu.
          Betapa indahnya kehadiranMu,
          yang bertahta kuatkan iman kami.

16 Nov 2012

The Good News

One day, alone in my room,
I think of the things in my life
I am especially thankful for,
the things that I am proud of.

Then I turn to the things I regret
and wish had never happened,
especially my sins.

When I am thus engaged, Jesus Christ walks in.
His presence brings the sweetest joy and peace.
I tell Him some of the things about my life that I regret.
He stops me with the words,
“That is all forgiven dan forgotten.
Do you know that love keeps no record of wrongs?” (1 Cor. 13:5).
The He goes on to say,
“In fact, your wrongs have not just been forgiven.
They have even been converted into grace.
Have you never been told
that where the sin was great,
grace was greater still?” (Rom. 5:21)

This seems too good to be true
for my poor fearful heart!
Then I hear him say, “I am so pleased with you,
so grateful to you.”
I begin to protest that there is nothing in my life
that He can be so pleased about or grateful for.
He says, “Surely you would be grateful beyond words
to anyone who did for you
even a small part of what you did for me?
Do you think I have less of a heart than you?”

So I lean back
and allow the impact of His words to hit me,
rejoicing in my heart
that I have such a God as He.

Anthony de Mello – “Wellsprings”